Certifications / Inspections

Engineering Conformance Certificate
At AJH, we have the facilities to carry out extensive machine testing, our skilled engineers are able to calibrate machines in order to ensure maximum safety whilst ensure machine envelope requirements are met. We carry out ECC certification for your machines via our trusted partners and provide you with a seamless end to end service. We provide compliant works to RIS-1530-PLT, I-PLM-5001 (Standard for Irish Rail), BS EN 15746 and CE / UKCA Marking.
LOLER and PUWER Certification
We have certified engineers able to carry out testing to both machines and lifting equipment ensuring compliance to Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) and Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER). We can then provide 6 or 12 month certification for suitable use, all managed in house.
Inspections / Maintenance
We can provide a multitude of machine inspections or maintenance activies to ensure safe operations such as; brake testing, wheel sets, earth bond testing, horn testing, wheel loads, back stability, RCI checks, preventative maintenance, scheduled maintenance, .